Who says great work isn’t done over cocktails? Certainly not Lambda Legal for whom we emblazoned pillows, bars and invitations for the legal organization’s West Coast Liberty Awards with the tagline “Power of the Party!”
2018 was our first year working on this annual awards event which was held at the garden terrace of the SLS Hotel in Beverly Hills. And the party truly did have power … in its colors, messaging, players and fund-raising efforts with an exciting silent auction which raised over $45,000.
All that power went to good use celebrating the individuals and organizations who fight for the rights of LGBTQ people and everyone living with HIV. At the West Coast Liberty Awards 2018, California Senator Scott Weiner and California Assemblyman Todd Gloria were those individuals honored for their work. And the evening was topped off with a powerful performance by Deborah Cox (a fellow Canadian, like Ryan).
This nonprofit organization has an interesting beginning. When founder Bill Thom filed an application in early 1972 to establish Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, he became his own first client when a panel of New York judges turned down the application stating that, in their view, the organization’s mission was “neither benevolent nor charitable.” With pro bono help, Thom appealed to New York’s highest court, which finally allowed Lambda Legal to exist as a nonprofit organization and the rest, as they say, is history.
With the generous support of thousands of friends around the country, what began with just a couple of volunteers working out of a spare room in a supporter’s apartment has now grown to an expert staff of more than 100 people in six offices around the country—New York, Atlanta, Dallas, Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington DC.
Zynger Events is honored to be a small part of their noble efforts. We are now busy producing all the elements of the next West Coast Liberty Awards which will also be held at SLS Hotel. We believe we are the right ones for the cause as “power of the party” is certainly something we live by as enacted by our own founder Ryan Zynger!
The organization is number four in our list of Top Ten Charities to watch. We’ve been running one a month to celebrate our 10-year anniversary of working with nonprofit organizations, helping them raise funds and awareness through events.
To learn more about the work of Lambda Legal Defense, please visit https://www.lambdalegal.org/
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